Serious Motorcycle Accidents In Lawton

While you focus on healing, our attorneys will do the rest

Motorcycles are popular in Lawton where open roads and natural beauty make for excellent rides.

These rides, of course, come with risk. With far fewer safety features and no cab, motorcycle riders are very vulnerable to serious injuries after a crash. In Oklahoma, there are about a thousand motorcycle accidents per year that cause serious injuries or fatalities.

When motorcycles are in accidents, it is almost always the other driver’s fault, but it is the biker who pays the highest price with their health and well-being. However, the reckless driver often says they didn’t see the motorcycle until it was too late, or even blames the biker for their injuries.

Hoover Rogers Law, LLP fights for the rights of injured motorcycle accident victims. If you were hurt, contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with a Lawton motorcycle accident attorney.

Common factors in Oklahoma motorcycle accidents

According to data from the State of Oklahoma, the most common factors in motorcycle accidents are:

  • Speeding or traveling at an unsafe speed for conditions. A speeding driver may have less time to react to the presence of a motorcycle.
  • Improper maneuver. Motorists need to operate with caution and obey traffic laws when near vulnerable road users.
  • Tailgating or following too closely. Motorcycles have a shorter stopping distance than cars, so a car that follows a biker too closely may not be able to stop in time.
  • Distracted driving and inattention. A motorcycle’s smaller frame and lower profile make bikers more vulnerable to distracted drivers.
  • Vehicle malfunction, such as problems with brakes or steering.
  • Failure to yield, often to an oncoming motorcycle at an intersection.
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or otherwise driving impaired.
  • Improper passing. Motorists who pass a motorcycle need to provide sufficient room.


Lawton-area motorcycle crash hot spots

Some roadways pose more risks to motorcyclists than others. When out for a ride, bikers must be particularly careful at intersections, on uneven pavement, when making turns, and during sudden shifts in weather.

In the Lawton area, there are often several fatal motorcycle accidents reported per year. Some of the more recent deadly bike crashes took place at:

  • Sheridan Road at Erwin Lane
  • OK-58 by Lake Lawtonka
  • Spencer at Trail roads
  • Duncan Bypass

Motorcycle accidents demand substantial compensation

Among the many types of common injuries that result from motorcycle crashes are:

  • Cuts, scrapes, lacerations, and punctures
  • Nerve damage
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) like concussions
  • Broken bones, often in the hands, arms, legs, skull or ribs
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Numbness (“Biker’s Arm”)
  • Constant headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Disfigurement

The long-term cost of a motorcycle accident injury can be substantial. That’s why you need an experienced Lawton motorcycle accident attorney fighting for full compensation.

Can I file a lawsuit if I wasn’t wearing a helmet?

In Oklahoma motorcycle helmet use is required for people ages 18 and younger. Adults are not legally bound to wear one but using the safety equipment is encouraged. Helmets save hundreds of lives and reduce injury severity nationwide every year.

However, while it may affect your recovery, not wearing a helmet does not affect your ability to file an injury claim. Whether you were wearing a helmet or not, the at-fault driver still has to be held responsible for their actions that led to the crash.

When representing Lawton bikers, we don’t back down

Hoover Rogers Law, LLP fights for maximum compensation for injured motorcycle riders. We understand that you have one shot at getting your claim right. That’s why we put in the work to make that shot count. Our attorneys would rather spend more time investigating your accident than accept a too-small settlement.

Contact Hoover Rogers Law to learn more about your legal options. Don’t delay. The clock on the statute of limitations is already ticking down. Call, email, or chat online with us to schedule a free consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney at our Lawton office.

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