Fatal Pedestrian Accidents Reach Alarming Levels

Green pedestrian signal indicating people can use the crosswalk.

Pedestrian deaths in Texas are up 20% since 2019.

Deadly pedestrian accidents have skyrocketed in Texas since 2019, when there were about 660 fatal crashes, according to a new study.

Preliminary estimates for last year indicate 834 fatal pedestrian accidents in Texas, according to Governors Highway Safety Association research. Hoover Rogers Law, LLP represents victims of pedestrian accidents and the families of fatal pedestrian accident victims in the Texoma region. We see the devastating impact this type of crash has on families and the community.

"Every day, 20 people go for a walk and do not return home," said Jonathan Adkins, GHSA chief executive officer, in a statement. "These are people living their daily lives – commuting to and from school and work, picking up groceries, walking the dog, getting some exercise – who died suddenly and violently."

By spreading awareness of the problem, our firm hopes to help reduce deadly pedestrian accidents in the Wichita Falls and Lawton areas. Here's what everyone needs to know about fatal pedestrian accidents in Texas, as reported in a new Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) spotlight study on highway safety.

What causes fatal pedestrian accidents

There are a lot of factors fueling the rise in deadly Texas pedestrian accidents. Some of the most common involve bad driving behavior. Pedestrian crash factors include:

  • Speeding.
  • Running red lights.
  • Ignoring traffic signs and signals.
  • Drunk driving and drug impairment.
  • Low light (nighttime, poorly lit streets).
  • Lack of sidewalks and crosswalks.

Speeding is the number one most common factor. Exceeding speed limits and driving too fast for road conditions contributed to about 30% of fatal pedestrian crashes nationwide in 2020 and 2021. In fact, speed-related pedestrian deaths shot up by almost 8% between the two years.

Fatal pedestrian accident statistics

Here are some more interesting statistics from the GHSA preliminary report:

  • Vehicle types most likely to be involved in a fatal pedestrian accident are passenger sedans, SUVs, and pickup trucks. Passenger vehicles are cited in 35% of pedestrian traffic deaths. The least likely vehicle to hit a pedestrian is a bus.
  • Texas cities with the highest number of pedestrian deaths include Houston, which experienced 103 pedestrian fatalities in 2021; San Antonio, 65 deaths; and Dallas, 61 deaths.
  • Most fatal pedestrian accidents occur during the night.
  • Almost 70% of pedestrian fatalities happened in places without sidewalks.

Pedestrian accident claims can be complicated

Many victims of pedestrian accidents and their families assume they have a straightforward case for financial compensation. The driver who hit them is at fault and is liable for damages, right? But when insurance companies are involved, it's rare for things to be "straightforward."

Adjusters will use any excuse to reduce or deny a claim. In fact, many times in pedestrian accident claims, negligent drivers and insurance companies blame the person on foot for causing the crash. For example, the insurance company may try to say the victim crossed the road without looking, was distracted by a mobile device, or disregarded traffic signals. Or, they may claim the victim was hit by a car because the victim's clothes weren't bright enough.

In short, pedestrian accident claims can be complex legal cases, and it's in your interest to at least talk to a lawyer about your potential legal options. At Hoover Rogers Law, LLP, our experienced pedestrian accident attorneys can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and demand accountability for your losses. We understand Texas and Oklahoma's legal system and can build a strong case for the compensation you deserve. To see how we can help you, contact us for a free injury case consultation.

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