Wichita Falls Car Accident Statistics Reveal Common Causes Of Collisions

Car crash on an open roadway during the day.

The latest car accident statistics for Wichita Falls, Texas, highlight what types of collisions remain the most common in this city and neighboring counties. And one thing is clear – some of the most common causes of car accidents in Texas are just as big a problem in the Wichita Falls area, including crashes caused by drunk drivers and speeding drivers, according to a recent Texomas report.

Wichita Falls, Texas car accident data

The Wichita Falls office for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) recently released car accident data for 2023. According to the Texomas news story, the Wichita Falls TxDOT district includes nine counties in Texas – Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cooke, Montague, Throckmorton, Wilbarger, Wichita, and Young.

In this nine-county area, 73 died in car accidents in 2023, according to Adele Lewis-Brauer from TxDOT, who spoke with Texomas. The vast majority of people who died in those car accidents in the Wichita Falls area were men – 52 fatalities. The other 21 vehicle deaths in 2023 involved women.

Drunk driving and speed-related accidents remain a problem

While car accidents happen for many different reasons in the Wichita Falls area, two of the most common causes were the same that plagued streets and highways throughout Texas – drunk driving and speeding.

Out of 73 people who died in car crashes in 2023 in the Wichita Falls, Texas, area, 33 percent of those fatalities were due to drivers under the influence (DUI) of alcohol. Similar statewide data was not available for Texas for 2023, but the year before, 25.9 percent of car accidents in Texas were caused by drunk drivers, according to TxDOT accident data.

As for speeding, 27 percent of car accident fatalities in 2023 in the Wichita Falls District of Texas were due to speeding drivers. Statewide, 34.8 percent of car accident fatalities in Texas in 2021 were caused by speeding drivers, according to the latest National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) accident data.

What are other common causes of car accidents?

Along with drunk driving and speeding, distracted driving has quickly become one of the most common causes of collisions in the Wichita Falls District of Texas. A total of 10 people died (13.6 percent) in car crashes in 2023 in this part of Texas due to distracted drivers.

That figure is more than the number of people who died statewide in car accidents caused by distracted drivers in Texas in 2022. That year, 10.8 percent of all car accident deaths in Texas were due to collisions involving distracted drivers, according to TxDOT accident data.

Why should I hire a car accident attorney after a crash?

If another driver injured you in a crash, your claim might initially seem straightforward. Since Texas has an at-fault car insurance system, it's reasonable to think you should be compensated for all your accident-related expenses.

However, what actually happens is often quite different. Sometimes, the driver who caused your crash will deny doing anything wrong. Other times, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will drag out the claims process or offer a low settlement that doesn't cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Insurance companies are notorious for prioritizing their profits over your well-being, and they may employ various tactics to minimize or deny your claim.

Whatever the circumstances of your legal case, our car accident lawyers at Hoover Rogers Law can help you every step of the way. We understand how the civil justice system works for car accident claims in Texas, and we will do everything we can to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Don't let insurance companies take advantage of you during this difficult time. If you've been injured in a car accident in Texas, contact us and schedule a free consultation.

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